See below for information on how to perform certain actions in the Online Directory.
Step 1. Go to your own record.
If you are not already within the Directory application, go to the University's central directories page and click "Update Directory Listings". If you are already within the Directory application, select "My Profile" in the upper right corner of any Directory screen. When prompted, use your PennKey and password to log in.
Step 2. Review and edit the information panels shown under the Penn Profile tab.
This is the foundation for your listings in both the Penn View and the Public View. While you may update data here, we strongly encourage you to update your data in Path@Penn, which will update your student record data in the Directory within a day or less. If you are also in the Workday system, you may update your "Penn HR"-sourced data in Workday.
Step 3. Select information for the Penn View.
Decide upon and select the information you wish to display in the Penn View, balancing the advantages of being known and accessible to your fellow students with your privacy interests.
To display an entry in the Penn View, select the checkbox that appears to the left of that entry. To conceal an entry, make sure the checkbox to the left of that entry is unselected (empty). To show a particular name, major/organization, phone number, or email in the brief version of your listing that is shown in reponse to a search, also select the round radio button next to that entry.
Step 4. Select information for the Public View.
Click your Public Profile tab in the upper right portion of the screen. Decide upon and indicate which information you want to display in the Public View, which is seen by the general public. You can only choose from the set of information you've already chosen to display in the Penn View. Please exercise caution in deciding how much information to display in the Public View.
To display an entry in the Public View, select the checkbox that appears to the left of that entry. To conceal an entry, make sure the checkbox to the left of that entry is unselected (empty). If you wish to conceal your entire listing either from the Public View only, or from both views, select "Preferences" in the upper left portion of the page. On the Preferences page, mark the appropriate checkboxes. (Note that the option to remove your entire listing from the Penn View will not appear until you have first indicated that you wish to remove your entire listing from the Public View by clicking that checkbox.)
Step 5. Review how your listing appears in response to a search.
Select "Search" in the upper right and search for yourself to see exactly how your listing displays in the Penn View. To see your listing in the Public View, log out and search again.
Step 6. Provide emergency contact information for the UPennAlert system.
As a student, the information used by the UPennAlert system to notify you and/or your designated emergency contacts during a campus emergency situation is maintained in Path@Penn. Remember to provide information so that the Division of Public Safety or other authorized Penn Administrators can provide you with urgent text and/or voice messages.
To protect your personal information, always remember to log out after your have used your PennKey to log in and access Directory information in the Penn View or manage your own record.
Step 1. Go to your own record.
If you are not already within the Directory application, go to the University's central directories page and click "Update Directory Listings". If you are already within the Directory application, select "My Profile" in the upper right corner of any Directory screen. When prompted, use your PennKey and password to log in.
Step 2. Review and edit the information panels shown under the Penn Profile tab.
This is the foundation for your listings in both the Penn View and the Public View. While you may add or update infomration directly in the Penn Directory, we strongly encourage you to update your data in Workday (or work with your HR representative to update data) and let that data populate your Directory record. If you are also a student, you may update your student information in Path@Penn.
Step 3. Select information for the Penn View.
Decide upon and select the information you wish to display in the Penn View. Keep in mind that some categories of information are mandatory.
To display an entry in the Penn View, select the checkbox that appears to the left of that entry. To conceal an entry, make sure the checkbox to the left of that entry is unselected (empty). To show a particular name, major/organization, phone number, or email in the brief version of your listing that is shown in reponse to a search, also select the round radio button next to that entry.
Step 4. Select information for the Public View.
Click your Public Profile tab in the upper left portion of the screen. Decide upon and indicate which information you want to display in the Public View, which is seen by the general public. You can only choose from the set of information you've already chosen to display in the Penn View. Please exercise caution in deciding how much information to display in the Public View.
To display an entry in the Public View, select the checkbox that appears to the left of that entry. To conceal an entry, make sure the checkbox to the left of that entry is unselected (empty).
Step 5. Provide emergency contact information for the UPennAlert system.
Remember to provide information so that the Division of Public Safety or other authorized Penn Administrators can notify you with urgent text and/or voice messages in the event of a campus emergency. Click your UPennAlert tab in the upper portion of the screen to review the information you have provided. To edit information, click the blue button on the lower right side of the screen.
Step 6. Review how your listing appears in response to a search.
Select "Search" in the upper right and search for yourself to see exactly how your listing displays in the Penn View. Then log out, select "Search" in the upper right corner, and search for yourself once more to see your listing in the Public View.
To protect your personal information, always remember to log out after your have used your PennKey to log in and access Directory information in the Penn View or manage your own record.