PennZoom provides eligible faculty, staff, and students with a variety of tools for managing meetings, lectures, webinars, and more. Chief among these tools is the ability to record meetings. While PennZoom is able to temporarily store your recordings, Zoom is primarily a communication tool and not a storage tool. It is important that recordings intended to be stored long-term be moved from Zoom to a permanent, secure storage location. Below you will find instruction on best practices for long-term storage of your Penn Zoom recordings.
For information on using Zoom with Canvas and Panopto, see the Libraries' Zoom for Faculty/Staff/TAs page.
For information on using Panopto within Canvas, including uploading videos, see the Libraries' Panopto page.
For general information on recording with Zoom, see Zoom's Recording help page.
All recorded class sessions should be stored in Canvas through its integration with Panopto. If your session is initiated from within Canvas, your recording will be placed in Canvas/Panopto automatically. If you initiate your Zoom session from Zoom directly, you will need to manually move your recordings from Zoom storage into the Class Recordings/Panopto area in Canvas. The Class Recordings area provides a secure way to store and share your lecture recordings, including lecture recordings you may want to use again in the future.
Beginning October 26, 2020, any new recordings initiated from within Canvas will be stored exclusively within Canvas/Panopto. Panopto will automatically move recordings to "Trash" in Zoom Cloud after they have been successfully imported into Panopto.
If you use Zoom to create pre-recorded lectures, you should upload those recordings to the Class Recordings/Panopto area in Canvas. The Class Recordings area provides a secure way to store and share your lecture recordings, including lecture recordings you may want to use again in the future.
For non-course-related materials, the following is being recommended:
- For recorded materials for your own personal use, use your Penn provided Box account through Penn+Box or other school-provided storage solution. Penn+Box ensures that University data and intellectual property are securely protected. Non-University materials should not be stored on Penn+Box. For more information on Penn+Box see ISC's Penn+Box page.
- For non-class recordings you want to share with a small group, such as a lab meeting, you can also use Penn+Box. Recordings should be downloaded and deleted from Zoom and then uploaded to Box. Others can view the content via a shared Penn+Box link.
- For materials to be shared publicly, such as recordings of large public events or presentations, Penn encourages the use of video sharing services such as YouTube or Vimeo. These recordings should be downloaded and deleted from Zoom and then moved to another video service. Do not share links to recordings stored in Zoom or in Penn+Box with the public.