If a client is reporting a problem with email delivery, please ask them to provide the following information:
- Is this a problem with receiving email at Penn or sending email to Penn?
- Has the recipient checked the Junk folder?
- If the email was sent to Penn you can use the Junk mail reporting process to report this problem.
- If the email was sent to an external email recipient, we will need additional information as outlined below.
- For email unexpectedly going to Junk:
- How was the message sent?
- Using an email client, such as PennO365 Outlook or Outlook on the Web?
- Via PennNet Mailing Lists?
- Using a third-party vendor or other methodology:
- Has the third-party vendor or alternative process been configured with the correct DNS records?
- How was the message sent?
- For unexpected bounces or other non-delivery reports (NDR):
- Please have the client attach the bounce message as a saved message.
- For all email delivery problem reports, please indicate:
- What was the time frame of the sent message? A precise timeframe (preferably within a 30-minute window) is important for timely resolution of any potential issue.
- What is the subject of the email?
- What is (are) the recipient(s) address(es)?
- What is the sender’s email address?
A description of our email hygiene rules can be found here (PennKey authentication required). Note that these rules include blocking of emails with executable content. Messages with such content do not generate an NDR and will be discarded silently by the message sanitation service.