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PennPath: getting started

PennPath is an authentication system designed for Schools and Centers that have non-Penn users who need access to University resources, but neither need nor want all the access privileges and security requirements associated with a PennKey.

Creating your PennPath account

Follow the steps below to create your PennPath account.

For PennOpen Pass users

  1. Open your web browser to
  2. In the ensuing dialog box, click the Sign up link at the bottom.
  3. Supply the following details, and then click Sign up.
  • username: select a username of your choice
  • Given name (or first name, birth name)
  • Family name (or surname)
  • Email address: the email address that you will use for your PennPath account.
  • Password: supply the password of your choice

4. A verification notice will be sent to your email address. Click the verification link in your email to activate your PennPath account.

For Online Learning Initiative (OLI) users

  1. Open your web browser to
  2. In the ensuing dialog box, click the Sign up link at the bottom.
  3. Supply the following details, and then click Sign up.
  • username: select a username of your choice
  • Given name (or first name, birth name)
  • Family name (or surname)
  • Email address: the email address that you will use for your PennPath account.
  • Password: supply the password of your choice

4. A verification notice will be sent to your email address. Click the verification link in your email to activate your PennPath account.

  1. Go to the PennPath login screen at .
  2. Click the Forgot your password link.
  3. Enter your PennPath username you selected, and click Reset my password
  4. A verification email will be sent to your registered email address. Click the verification link in your email to set your new PennPath password.

You cannot recover your username if you forgot it. You must make a new PennPath account, although you can use the same email address as before.

  1. Go to the PennPath login screen at .
  2. Click the Sign up link. Create a new PennPath account with a different username. You can use the same email address as before.

PennOpen Pass is a daily symptom tracker designed to reduce the risk of COVID-19 spreading within the Penn community. Through PennOpen Pass, users answer questions affirmatively to qualify for a "Green pass" to authorize them to enter a Penn or UPHS building.

While Penn and UPHS affiliates can use PennKey or UPHS credentials to access PennOpen Pass, external users such as visitors and contractors must create and use a PennPath account to access PennOpen Pass.

If for whatever reason you cannot use PennOpen Pass and need to enter a Penn or UPHS building, use the verbal attestation lane in building entrances to manually affirm your health status to gain entry. For more information about this and other issues, please consult the PennOpen Pass FAQ page.

For assistance with the specific application you're trying to access with PennPath, contact the IT group of the School/Center that supports that application.