For best user experience, ISC and Microsoft both recommend using the latest Click-to-Run version of Outlook for Office 365 on individual workstations and mobile devices. It offers stable performance, and supports all available features. Mac, iOS, and native Android clients may work but do not provide a reliable user experience.
Microsoft offers instructions for setting up Outlook for Windows, Mac, Android, and iOS devices .
Configuration details
If prompted, use the following information to configure your email account:
- Email: Your PennO365 username (e.g.
- Username: Your PennO365 username (e.g.
- Password: Your PennO365 password.
- If your account was established after 2/15/2021, your PennO365 password is likely the same as your PennKey password.
- If your account was established prior to 2/15/2021, this is the password that you established when you activated your PennO365 account at Microsoft’s online portal.
Note: Microsoft renamed its web client to Outlook on the web. Although many Microsoft web pages still use older terms such as Outlook Web App, Outlook Web Access, or OWA, Penn-produced documents use the term Outlook on the Web.