Eligibility for PennO365 Accounts
PennO365 eligibility grants access to the Microsoft ProPlus applications. Additional steps are needed to have a PennO365 email account. They are explained in the following section.
Eligibility for a PennO365 account is based on 3 things. To be eligible for a PennO365 account, the following must exist:
The PennCommunity record is either created automatically from a source system (Workday for Staff/Faculty or SRS for Students) or entered manually. The PennKey username is typically set up by the user.
If the PennCommunity record is entered manually, an overrride will need to be put in place so the user is eligible for PennO365. See PennO365 Tools Application for an overview on checking the user's PennO365 Enrollment and on assigning an Override.
At least one affiliation has to exist for the account from the PennO365 eligible affiliations and this affiliation has to be in active status. The account can have multiple active affiliations; as long as one of the active affiliations qualifies the account for PennO365, it will be eligible.
The center affiliation will automatically transfer over for accounts created in Workday or SRS. If the account was entered manually, or if the PennO365 account is being sponsored and managed by a different school or center then the original one, an override will need to be put on the account. See PennO365 Tools Application for an overview of checking the user's PennO365 Enrollment and on assigning an Override.
NOTE: If all of these conditions exist, the account will automatically be granted access to the PennO365 ProPlus applications. Account setup is done by the user on the O365 portal with the username pennkey@upenn.edu.
Eligibility for PennO365 Email Accounts
Eligibility for PennO365 email accounts requires that all of the PennO365 ProPlus eligibility criteria are met in addition to the following:
Participating in PennO365 Email is at the discretion of the school or center. For various reasons, some schools and centers do not issue PennO365 email accounts. If you are unsure on your school or center's policy, contact your local IT support.