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Browsing and searching Support Center

To submit requests for assistance or new services, search for the appropriate items or services in our Support Center Catalog, or browse the categories to find the appropriate tile.

  1. Browse the menu to locate the service you need:

    Browse the Browse categories menu to locate services

  2. Each option will appear as a tile to select:

    Each option will appear as a tile to select individually


  3. To return to the main catalog page click the Catalog link in the breadcrumbs at the top, the Catalog link, or the Support Center logo:

    Navigate using the breadcrumbs or the Catalog link or the logo at the top to return to the catalog


  4. You can also search in the catalog for services by keyword, and select a tile straight from the search results:

     image of search box


  5. "Favorite" items you use frequently for your convenience:

     adds to favorites area


  6. This will add the item to Your Favorites area at the top of the home screen:

    Adds to Your Favorites area

    Can't find what you're looking for? 
    If you can't find your specific request, a General Request is an option. 

    If you can't find your specific request, a General Request is an option.

    Please select the best option for your request:

    Select the Best Option